Who We Help


We start helping where the poverty line begins

We believe in first helping those whose adjusted income is at or below what the US government considers the poverty level. 

What is the poverty level in the U.S.?

The Federal Poverty Level is defined on the chart to the right. The base Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is the first row of the chart.

How we help

The Elysium Organization helps in a rate proportional rate to the poverty level of our applicant(s).

For example, if an applicant were to come to us with a family of three with a household income 10% above the Federal Poverty level, The Elysium Organization would endeavor to cover 90% of their training costs while the applicant would be responsible for only 10% of the costs.

Eligibility Requirements

The Requirements for sponsorship by the Elysium Organization are as follows

Ages 3 and up

While we believe in helping everyone, current studies show that there is marginal benefit for children studying martial arts before this age.

Income with prescribed ranges

 Having an adjusted annual income that falls within the prescribed range of between 100% Federal Poverty Level and (FPL) and 200% FPL.

A desire to improve

The Elysium Organization applicants must express a desire to attend classes in a consistent, respectful & meaningful way; and then they must follow through on that desire.

Abide by our Agreement

Prospective applicants must agree to sign and follow the Elysium Organization’s Student Contract.